IT Solutions


Enhance your cybersecurity with our around-the-clock Security Operations Center, actively monitoring and addressing threats to ensure your peace of mind. Our comprehensive protection covers all entry points to your technology system. We specialize in mitigating cybersecurity risks across your organization, focusing on disk encryption, firewall reinforcement, access control, intrusion detection, regular patching, penetration testing, VPNs, and vulnerability scanning. Our team remains vigilant against emerging threats, ensuring your organization’s security is always a step ahead.

Data Encryption

We lock down sensitive data through encryption both when it’s sitting on servers and as it moves across networks. Sophisticated algorithms scramble data to keep prying eyes out. Encrypting your laptops guards against data theft if the device is lost or stolen. You stay in control of the keys.

Email Security

We are your expert partners in securing your organization’s Office 365 and Google Workspace email. By constantly managing spam filters, security policies, authentication records, and protection for your employees’ inboxes. You can rest assured knowing your system is proactively blocking phishing, malware, data leakage, and other threats.

Endpoint Protection

We deploy industry-leading antivirus and malware detection tools across your endpoints and servers to protect against viruses, ransomware, spyware, and advanced threats trying to sneak in. Always-on scanning and removal keeps your systems clean.

Firewall Protection

Our firewalls secure your network perimeter and internal segments with the most advanced security features available. We monitor and block the most sophisticated network attacks with AI-powered anti-malware, DNS filtering, intrusion prevention, spam, and web blocking services.

Incident Response

From detection to containment to remediation, we have tested plans ready for response to incidents like data breaches. Our goal is swift, effective action.

Identity & Access Management

We centralize access management through single sign-on and advanced permissions. No more juggling passwords! Just seamless, secure access. Our tools integrate with cloud apps and on-premises systems.

Patch Management

You can trust us to keep your systems fully patched against vulnerabilities. Our tools automate patching across most platforms for the fastest protection with minimal disruption.

Penetration Testing

Think your security is unbreakable? We’ll put it to the test with thorough penetration testing. We simulate real-world attacks to validate the security of your networks, servers, applications, and websites.

Remote Access and VPN

We set up and manage VPNs that securely extend your network between office locations and to road warriors. Encrypted connections keep remote work safe. We ensure optimal performance too.

Security Awareness Training

As the bad guys continue to get more sophisticated with their tactics, educating personnel is crucial for data security and compliance. We partner with the leading experts at KnowBe4 to deliver engaging training on risks, policies, procedures, and threats like phishing.

Vulnerability Scan Reports

We scan your networks, servers, applications, and websites to identify weaknesses. You’ll receive detailed vulnerability reports that identify risks across networks, systems, apps, and devices. We translate tech jargon into actionable insights.

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Managed IT

Our managed IT services deliver 24/7 monitoring, maintenance, support, and administration across your infrastructure and devices. With SLAs, detailed reporting, and a focus on reliability, we keep your technology running smoothly for staff productivity and customer satisfaction.

24/7 Monitoring

We watch over your infrastructure night and day to spot problems immediately. With engineers alerted to performance and downtime issues, you get peace of mind that mission-critical systems are always covered. With experts on call to respond swiftly and keep your systems up and running optimally.

Automated Maintenance

We leverage automation to handle tedious yet essential maintenance like patching, disk cleanups, performance optimizations, and automatic remediation of common issues that prevent minor errors from escalating behind the scenes. Extending the life of your investments for maximum ROI. Our bots do the work without errors or complaints!

Emergency Response

When IT emergencies strike, you want experts who know your environment ready to take charge. We provide an after-hours emergency response hotline to our 24/7 clients and mobilize immediately to mitigate disruptions when you need it most.

Employee Onboarding and Offboarding

We onboard new hires the right way, with proper access controls, security training, and understanding of policies. When an employee departs, we take the necessary actions to disable access in the system.

Infrastructure Management

Consider your infrastructure – servers, networks, data centers – fully managed. We‘ll keep resources optimized, monitored, and compliant. Our certified technical team oversees your entire technology system so you can focus on your mission.

Remote IT Support

Our helpdesk heroes resolve everyday IT issues promptly and knowledgeably. Reach us by phone, email, or online. Our software enables instant remote access to troubleshoot your devices quickly, wherever they are located. We love solving technology puzzles and helping people.

Reporting & Analytics

You’ll receive insightful reports with a view of your technology systems health and safety. You’ll have access to reports detailing patch compliance, performance metrics, software lists, and service ticket history. We translate data into insights.

Service Level Agreements

We meet our service level agreements with room to spare. You’ll have clear expectations for response times to varying levels of service issues.  Our 60-minute response to mission critical issues provides peace of mind knowing you don’t have to react and stay focused on your mission.

User Account Administration

Managing user accounts across systems gets cumbersome fast. Let us handle timely provisioning, modifications, and deactivation of users in directories like Active Directory, Azure, and Google. We’ll integrate with directories too.

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CIO Consulting

Let us handle IT oversight and strategy so you can focus on your business. Our CIO services include asset management, audits, budgeting, cost optimization, planning, policy development, risk management, roadmapping, and vendor relationships. We become an extension of your team.

Asset Management

We take stock and maintain comprehensive asset records across your infrastructure, from computers to servers to SaaS apps. You’ll have the insight needed to manage a dynamic environment, including make/models, serial numbers, install dates, warranty status, location, and software.

Audits and Assessments

Consider us your second set of eyes. Our audits evaluate controls, policies, processes, and hardware. We shine a light on risks, gaps, and optimization opportunities. Your virtual CIO will assess your entire technology system on day 1. We assist in fulfilling annual cyber insurance audits, PCI compliance evaluations, and other organizational necessities, ensuring your operations stay secure and compliant.

Budget Development

Let us handle building well-formed, achievable IT budgets aligned to your organization’s goals. Our experience makes the planning process smooth and insightful. We prepare a 1-3 year financial blueprint to give you a clear view of necessary investments, to minimize surprise expenses, avoid potential financial shocks, and help you realize maximum ROI.

Policy & Procedure Development

Clear policies and procedures are the cornerstone of a well-run IT environment. We translate complex standards into living documents tailored to your operations. Periodic policy review ensures you stay current and compliant.

Risk Management

Today’s complex IT systems come with an innumerable risks. We share those risks with you and help you sidestep pitfalls in security, vendors, projects, and daily technology use.  Above all else, mitigating risk is the first principal guiding our consultations and recommendations.

Strategy & Planning

We get to know your operations inside and out to craft long-term IT strategies and realistic near-term plans that support your goals. Our periodic technology strategy meetings keep us aligned with your growth aspirations and project initiatives so you stay confident that you have the right IT leadership guiding you to achieve these objectives.

Technology Roadmap

Our comprehensive roadmaps reflect business needs balanced with careful adoption of innovations. This living document serves as a single source of visibility into your IT assets, services, and service providers – dually serving to report risks and forecast for your annual technology budget.

Vendor Management

Let us nurture win-win relationships with your technology vendors and service providers. We hold them accountable to service level agreements and oversee contract renewals to ensure you get the value you pay for – and more.

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Stay compliant and protected with our audits, controls, training, and incident response services. We’ll develop compliant policies, procedures, access controls, data retention, onboarding, remote access, training programs, and more. Our experts make compliance simple.

Access Controls

We implement layered access controls that balance security and productivity for your users within maintaining compliance with some of the strictest regulations defined by HIPPA or the FDA. Checks and balances help keep data safe without being overly restrictive.

Cyber Insurance

In addition to robust protection, we encourage supplemental cyber insurance to mitigate residual risks. We help you obtain coverage that fits your operations.

Archiving & Retention

Sensitive data demands special care. We apply data loss prevention, access controls, encryption, and retention policies that keep it safe and available whether that data on storage in an office, on an email server, or with a third-party cloud hosting provider.

Policy & Procedure Development

Don’t let policies or procedures fall out of date. We ensure you stay up-to-date through ongoing reviews and revisions. This includes acceptable use of IT assets, data protection protocols, access controls, incident reporting, and employee training on cybersecurity best practices. Regular audits and updates keep documentation aligned with the latest compliance standards and internal needs.

Our goal is to maintain current, comprehensive policies to reduce risk across the organization, including these:

• Cell Phone Use
• Computer Assets Inventory
• Counterfeit Software
• Data Backup
• Data Breach
• Data Security and Encryption
• Disposal and Destruction of Hardware
• Email Use
• Employee Access Control
• Employee Onboarding
• Employee Offboarding
• General Computer Use
• Passwords
• Privacy Policy
• Remote Access and VPN
• Social Engineering / Security Awareness
• Social Media

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Cloud Services

Migrate to the cloud on your terms with our integration, hosting, storage, productivity tools, assessments, phone systems, virtual firewalls, and more. We help you determine the best cloud solutions for your needs and budget.

Data Storage

Moving data storage to the cloud opens new possibilities for efficiency and resilience. We help you make the shift – and ensure continued data availability in cloud storage platforms like Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, and Google Drive.

Government Cloud

For the public sector, we deploy secure cloud solutions in Microsoft Azure built specifically for federal, state, and local agencies. Compliance is assured.


Connecting applications between cloud platforms or integrating with on-premises systems can get complex. We make it smooth by understanding your operational goals to ensure integrations don’t create more problems than they were intended to solve. Strategic integration of applications can boost efficiency and ease administration.

Phone Systems

Cloud-hosted voice over IP (VoIP) delivers flexibility and features. We replace outdated PBXs with solutions like Microsoft Teams, Dialpad, and other third-party communications systems to unite your workforce.

Private Cloud Hosting

If public cloud doesn’t fit your needs, we provide tailored private cloud solutions hosted in our secure data centers or yours. We host servers for financial applications like QuickBooks, Microsoft’s Remote Web Workplace, and offsite backup of our mission-critical data. You maintain oversight and control.

Productivity Suites & Email

We help transition legacy on-premises systems to modern platforms and between existing cloud platforms like Office 365 and Google Workspace smoothly and securely, even for complex environments. The latest apps and seamless file sharing help teams work smarter.

Readiness Assessments

Moving systems to the cloud safely takes expertise. Before migrations begin, we conduct comprehensive assessments encompassing security, compatibility, training needs, costs, and productivity objectives to ensure you’re ready.

Virtual Firewalls

Our cloud-based software firewalls leverage cutting-edge AI to protect your network. These virtual firewalls provide full security capabilities powered by the same technology as physical appliances. With advanced features like anti-malware, DNS filtering, intrusion prevention, and web threat blocking, your cloud environment is shielded from sophisticated attacks.

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Keep your business up and running through any disruption. Our business continuity services include backup, disaster recovery, high-availability, replication, redundancy, virtualization, documentation and planning. Let us worry about keeping you online.

Data Backup & Restore

Backup generates peace of mind. We implement reliable backup schemes, with redundancy and encryption, to protect critical data locally and in the cloud. When data is corrupted or lost, rapid restoration is key. We test restoration procedures regularly for confidence they will work when needed – keeping downtime minimal.

Disaster Recovery

From fires to floods to theft, no one can anticipate every disaster. We develop and document contingency plans tailored to scenarios like natural disasters, cyber-attacks, and power outages. We generate full backups of your entire servers daily to ensure rapid restoration in a disaster event.


In times of disruption, confusion reigns without documentation. We ensure documentation of systems, processes, policies, and procedures stays current in case it’s needed unexpectedly

Offsite Replication

On-premises failures can take systems down. We replicate data and backups to geographically distant sites for recovery after localized outages.

Planning & Consulting

Preparedness takes planning. We guide you through the process of conducting business impact analysis, risk assessments, and continuity strategy planning to protect critical operations.


Downtime dings the bottom line.  Resilience requires redundancy for infrastructure, internet connections, servers, network switches, power, and data center operations. We build it into environments proactively, with fail-over mechanisms to ensure maximum up time.  For cloud systems, geo-diversity protects against location-specific disruptions.

Virtualization Services

Virtual servers, desktops, and apps maintain continuity when hardware fails by simply spinning back up on alternate resources. We realize the flexibility and mobility virtualization enables.

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Infrastructure Projects

We handle major infrastructure deployments and upgrades for Wi-Fi, servers, network expansion, connectivity, data centers, office relocation, and power backup. Our engineers seamlessly deliver complex projects on time and under budget.

Data Center Setup

When deploying new data center or co-location capabilities, our system engineers design and build the system architecture to meet requirements for power, cooling, cabling, servers, storage, network design, firewalls, and performance – optimized for your needs.

Internet Redundancy

A single internet line invites failure. We implement diverse connections from multiple providers and redundant gear for always-on connectivity. Internet outages are a problem of the past.

Network Engineering

For offices or data centers, we engineer and implement networks providing optimal performance, redundancy, scalability, and security leveraging solutions from leading vendors.

Office Expansions

Opening a new office? We seamlessly expand infrastructure and systems to new sites and users. You get the same connectivity, security, and capabilities.

Power Backup Solution

No power means no work. We provide redundant battery backups and surge suppression systems giving you runtime during brief power outages or brownouts.

Servers & Storage

We architect high-performance servers and light-speed storage solutions aligned to the workloads and growth of the most demanding sectors such as film and TV production firms. You gain performance, scalability, reliability, and efficiency without over-spending.

Site-to-Site Connectivity

Stay connected across locations. We deliver secure site-to-site connectivity via VPNs, Point-to-Point satellites, and wide area networking with the performance, redundancy, and security you need for multi-location operations.

Wi-Fi Deployments

Untether your workforce or upgrade your existing wireless technology with our enterprise Wi-Fi solutions. We deliver smooth, secure Wi-Fi providing signal coverage that scales – with next-gen gear from Cisco Meraki.

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End User Support

Provide a great employee technology experience through our user support services. We handle account setups, desktop support, devices, email, helpdesk, mobile, software, recommendations, documentation, and training. Your staff stays productive.

Account Setups

Let us handle the busywork of setting up and provisioning user accounts across all systems based on your requirements. We’ll make the process fast, accurate, and secure.

Desktop & Laptops

Your people will love our friendly, knowledgeable tech support to resolve issues with PCs, Macs, and Chromebooks. We support leading desktop platforms with a smile.

Device Refresh

We take the pain out of device lifecycle management, handling secure data wiping along with rollout of new laptops, tablets, desktops, and mobiles across the organization.

Documentation & Training

To get users up to speed quickly, we provide clean documentation and how to articles on systems, business apps, and productivity tools via our online knowledge base customized for your organizations technology system and personnel.

Email Management

Our email pros ease headaches by keeping your hosted email and desktop applications like Outlook and GMail robust and responsive. We handle configurations, troubleshooting, migration, and any email issue affecting end users.

IT Helpdesk

Friendly voices and quick resolutions – that’s our helpdesk promise. Your users gain access to our online Client Portal, to submit tickets and check status of our progress. Ticket managers gain access to all tickets to stay informed and in control of your IT service requests. We support your users by phone and email as well!

Mobile Devices

iPhones, Androids, tablets – we assist with configuring mobile applications and troubleshooting glitches or configuration errors when they arise.


Our technicians love being asked for recommendations. Your users have access to passionate technologists who can recommend the best tools and apps for what you’re trying to achieve.

Software Installations

When deploying new software company-wide, we automate roll-outs while ensuring applications meet requirements. When new hires come on board or requirements change, we respond swiftly to install updates or new versions when automating deployments are not supported.

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