Local Government & Public Sector

Local governments rely on digital technology to deliver public services efficiently, but face challenges like staffing shortages, tight budgets, and outdated systems. With over 10 years of experience supporting municipalities, government agencies, and public sector organizations, CPU RX secures and maintains critical infrastructure, allowing you to focus on serving the community.

Local governments are prime targets for hackers seeking to steal Personally Identifiable Information, such as social security numbers. These attacks often exploit security gaps in outdated systems.

Public sector organizations typically lack the resources to hire top IT talent, resulting in a technical skills gap. By partnering with CPU RX, organizations gain access to first-class technical talent and a Security Operations Center that provides 24×7 endpoint monitoring, detection, and response services.

Keeping IT costs down is another challenge for local governments. We understand public sector budget cycles and offer fixed-cost solutions to keep IT expenses predictable and avoid budget shortfalls.

CPU RX can help eliminate skills and security gaps, integrate IT systems, and provide staff with security awareness training. With over 10 years of experience supporting municipalities and public sector organizations, CPU RX has the expertise to manage your IT needs, allowing your staff to focus on priority initiatives.

Book a Call Today

This quick, low-pressure call is an opportunity for us to get acquainted. We’ll discuss your organization’s needs and how CPU RX’s managed IT and security services can help.


Integrate Municipal Systems

We create unified IT solutions for diverse department systems, including fire, police, public works, and village hall.

Eliminate Security Gaps

We upgrade and streamline systems, identifying and eliminating vulnerabilities.

Stay on Budget

Fixed cost solutions that align with public sector budget cycles.

Ensure Compliance

We assist with compliance to regulations and standards including FOIA, NIST, and FISMA.

Access Expert IT Talent

Bridge the technical skills gap without increasing staffing costs.

24/7 Security Monitoring

Our Security Operations Center ensures round-the-clock protection.

Is Your Municipality at Risk of Getting Hacked?

Municipalities deal with vast amounts of data, including financial records and social security numbers. This makes them prime targets for hackers. CPU RX can help you eliminate security gaps and ensure that critical municipal infrastructure is protected against cyber threats.

Risk Assessment

Our customized security audit and risk assessment provides a detailed analysis of system vulnerabilities.

Proactive Security

Our Security Operations Center provides 24×7 next-generation Managed Detection and Response.

Cybersecurity Training

Regular cybersecurity training sessions help employees avoid falling for phishing attacks.

Incident Response

When a cybersecurity incident occurs, our experts quickly lock down systems and protect data.

Learn About Our Managed IT Services

With over 20 years of experience, CPU RX has the expertise needed to secure your systems and protect your confidential data.

Contact us to secure your municipality’s future.

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